Friday 13 September 2013

Happy Friday the 13th!!!

What am I doing to celebrate this momentous holiday/insignificant day?  Watching Murder, She Wrote, what else?  I'm hanging with my girl, Jessica Fletcher, solving mysteries and cracking jokes.  What more could a person want out of a Friday night?  Certainly not going out to the bars and drinking with other human beings.  That would require risking my life while a serial killer runs loose.  Seriously, Jason's like the best of the best.  He can use anything.  Crossbow, knife, chainsaw, his bare hands.  I'm not messing with that shit.  Also, I'm really tired.  I foolishly walked around for about 8 hours today.  Since I'm too lazy to invest in an umbrella and boots I've been combating the rain assassin style.  Hood up, crossbow at the ready.

Would you mess with that girl?  I've got my passport/serial killer face on and I'm ready for anything.  And by anything I mean watching Murder, She Wrote.  In retrospect, I should have spent at least an hour trying to find boots and umbrellas.  I entered the mall on at least five separate occasions.  There was no reason for my laziness, but is there ever?

P.S.  This is my 13th post, which I obviously planned.

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