Things I Like....

This will be a compilation of all the things I like, mainly about England, but sometimes I'll probably just throw in a random thing.


1.  Even their fast food chains look classy.

2.  They sell donuts at McDonald's.
3.  They have a combo called Australian BBQ at McDonald's.  It's basically just a BBQ chicken sandwich with onion rings.  I'm willing to simply accept this as a thing and not question what about it makes it Australian.
4.  They play The Simpsons in pubs.
5.  They put up signs like this in pubs.

6.  They have wifi at the bus stops.
7.  The pubs are busy every day of the week.
8.  The 99 pence store is bomb.  I already loved dollar stores, so this isn't too shocking, but their stores are actually presentable.  They've got wooden floors and the shelves are normal.  Not like the ones here that seem like they're going to crash down on me when I have to scale them to get to the top shelf.
9.  They make it almost impossible to get lost in Central London.  There are signs everywhere and if you can figure out the subtle differences in the arrows you can find your way.
10.  In Central London you don't have to feel lame about being super touristy because everyone is taking dorky pictures and busting out maps.  So even if you live here you can get excited and snap pics whenever you want.
11.  I'll say it, the buses still get to me.  They're such a novelty.  Two floors?  It's like a dream.  I feel like I'm riding an elephant up there.  And listening to the British accents tell me where I am just completes my ride.


1.  The stores around here seem to be multipurpose.  For example, today I saw a laundrettes that also specialized in shoe repair and locksmithing.  It's like a one stop shop for all of your most random needs.
2.  There are a million locksmiths around.  Like, so many.  I saw at least five today.  This is good since I often get locked out.  Except my keys are pretty weird and I don't think I can get them duplicated, but if I'm lucky they'll do the main one.
3.  There are a lot of cute guys in this area and they all go running around 6pm.  So everyday at 6pm I'll be sitting on a wall scoping out guys while eating a Big Mac.
4.  My roommate told me that there's a nude bike race in the spring through Clapham Common.  Need I say more?
5.  You can buy a bag of cookies with five cookies in it for 50 pence.  And I'm not talking mini cookies.  These are decent sized cookies.
6.  You can buy milk in tiny jugs for £1.  I don't often drink milk, but I like this just the same.  You have your option of tiny jug and mid-sized jug.  I like that they don't overwhelm you with milk quantities.  And as previously mentioned, I love drinking milk straight out of jugs.
7.  Five minutes from where I live there are multiple pubs, banks, grocery stores, a post office, and other random stores (and about 17 locksmiths).

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