Word of the Day

Time for a new page!  As my new roommate pointed out, I ruin conversations because the Brits are constantly having to stop and explain what certain words mean to me.  I agreed and called myself a buzzkill and then forced her to explain what the hell was going on.  I don't want this embarrassment to be brought upon anyone else, so pay attention.....

*Disclaimer:  This will not be a daily thing.


Apparently this means someone who is very whiny and juvenile in their speech.  For example, calling horses horsies.  This is my roommate's explanation.

Urban Dictionary says:  someone who lacks common sense, who is slow to get a joke, or slow to grasp a concept.

i.e. Me at this point since I don't understand British words.

Side note, the other Urban Dictionary entry said "When one contracts an STD/STI that results in their genitals dripping."  

I'm barfing in my mouth right now.  That is so repulsive it's not even funny.  Furthermore, who actually talks about that?  If I had drippy genitals no one would ever hear about it because that is absolutely vile.

I actually learned another new word yesterday from them, but I've forgotten it already, so I will be shamed for this later and then add it on here so I don't make the mistake of ever forgetting it again.

I tried to look it up.  For some reason I thought it was something that started with a "b".  Here's what I found.  

Biff: v. To hit, n. Vagina.  You cannot have a word that means "to hit" and "vagina".  That is unfair.
Biffin's Bridge: the perineum; the area between the anus and the vulva.  When would this ever come up in conversation?  I think this website exists just to make me look like a total ass.  

So those words are useless.  Don't include them on your cheat sheet.  I know you're creating one from this.  Please don't ever use the term Biffin's Bridge.  You'll either sound like a perv or humiliate yourself because it's most likely not a real thing.

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