Things I Don't Like....

I don't mean to be a Negative Nelly, but I don't want to make my move to seem like it's filled with rainbows and sunshine all the time.  Just in case some random is reading this I think it's important to give them fair warning about the things that are a bit weird here.

1.  The street signs.  I already mentioned in a post that they're low down, like practically on the ground.  To add to the confusion they're also infrequent.  I'm convinced this may just be a conspiracy against me and everyone else can actually see all the signs.  I do have a tendency to be oblivious to my surroundings.

2.  The street lights are kind of weird.  Sometimes I just wing it and cross.  So far I haven't been hit, but it's only a matter of time.  They don't have the flashing hand, the red one just suddenly disappears.  I don't know what happens if you get stuck in the middle when this happens.

3.  The plumbing is bananas here.  I feel like I'm flushing the toilet wrong, but there's really only one way to do it.  Thankfully I heard this ahead of time, so I came mentally prepared.

4.  Sometimes I get fooled by the price of things.  For example, coffee always seems to be £2.50 no matter where I go.  In Canada this wouldn't be absurd, I guess, but that's like $3.75 for a coffee.  Even from McDonald's.  Tim Horton's, I drink 3 cups of coffee a day.  I alone could keep you in business in England.  Think about it.

5.  No one seems to wear rain boots here.  Everyday I curse myself for not having bought a pair yet, but I probably haven't bought a pair because everyone here is too cool to wear them.  What is that about?  I've had sopping wet feet everyday since I got here.  How are they doing it?  There's this store called SuperDry that everyone seems to shop at.  I'm convinced that everyone keeps dry because they're wearing a wetsuit under their clothes and some kind of super shoe on their feet.  Tell me your secret, Londoners.  I want to learn!

1 comment:

  1. you need a pair of goulashes Heather! Um, yeah hi it's me. It's been awhile I know. :-)
