Monday 9 September 2013

Ode to Bean

I promise that my incessant posting will taper off once I hit London.  I'm on my computer all the time right now trying to figure stuff out, so I'm completely neurotic and forcing anyone who reads this blog to share in my neurosis.  It's not pretty and I look forward to being a somewhat normal person again soon.

Today's post is dedicated to my favourite living creature on this planet.  Her name is Abby, but I like to call her Bean/Love of My Life.  This naturally concerns my family because I'm in love with a dog instead of a human.  My mom especially dies a little every time I talk about how I'll never love anyone as much as Bean.  It means that the chances of her getting grandchildren out of me are fading into the distance.  Okay, so Bean is my dog and I'm completely obsessed with her.  I've repeatedly said that she's the one I'll miss the most and so far she's the only one I've cried over.  I realize this is pathetic and that after a month she'll forget I even exist, but after 12 years of feeding, walking, and sharing a bed with her I can't help it.  Dogs are just the best because as long as you take care of them and show them a bit of love they'll love you unconditionally.  Before we got Bean I'd actually spent 7 years begging for a dog.  I waited and waited, so when we finally got her I went crazy.  I was obsessed with her from the beginning.  Now we're at the point where we've taken on each other's habits.  She goes up to bed at 10pm because that's when I usually head up.  Her favourite food is peanut butter because that's what I always feed her.  Well, actually it might be cheese, but all animals just love cheese.  That doesn't sound like much, but there's more.  I just don't want to sound like a total loser.  Although I'm pretty sure it's too late for that.

I forced Bean to take this picture with me last night.  This is probably a good indication of what our relationship is like.  She only likes me when I'm feeding or walking her and I like her all the time.

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