Sunday 8 September 2013

This one's for the lovers......

Disclaimer: This post title doesn't relate to anything you'll read below.  I was too lazy to think of a proper title and I thought I'd throw in an obscure Love Actually reference because I don't want to wait until Christmas to have to start using Love Actually quotes as post titles.  I don't have that kind of self control.

I'm sure nobody is actually looking at this on a regular basis, but if you are and you're wondering why the blog looks nothing like it did before it's because I have ADD and got bored with the other one.  In my defense the other one was very dark and somber.  Or perhaps it was sophisticated and this new one just looks like a 5 year old went bananas designing it.  Either way the blog is likely to change again very soon because I'm not sure how I feel about what's happening with this one.  Again, the only thing that's for sure staying is the Dawson's Creek inspired rock salt font.  That's going nowhere.

I'm not going to say much here except that the BBQ went surprisingly well.  I almost cried 17 times, which is weird because I find crying to be weak and humiliating, but I couldn't help it.  Everyone was so nice and encouraging.  If you've read the previous two posts you probably noticed that I was having a minor meltdown.  This is precisely the reason why I haven't told my friends and family the name of my blog yet.  I'm too nervous that if they see it they'll lock me up in an insane asylum before I get the chance to flee the country.  Anyway, the point is that I have some truly amazing friends and family.  They made me feel like this is actually a good decision and that I'll have fun doing it.  If I can keep riding this good feeling my posts will hopefully stop being so self indulgent and I'll avoid using giant pictures of Dawson's Creek.  That was more for me than anyone else.  My apologies.

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