Tuesday 10 September 2013

Sketching it out at Buffalo Airport

I'm sitting in the Buffalo airport waiting for the first leg of my flight.  Now that I'm finally done with my goodbyes I can see that I was a major drama queen in the first part of this blog.  I mean I quoted Jen Lindley.  That was actually awesome.  I would quote DC everyday if I thought it was appropriate.  Anyway, I was majorly self indulgent writing posts about how I need to be strong and I want to grow up.  That was uncalled for and I sincerely apologize.  I feel like I apologized before, but I thought I'd do it again because I really mean it.  On a lighter note, I'm starting to get really excited because now I'm in an airport and I get to tell everyone I meet that I'm moving to England.  So far I met an old lady in the security line and I told her that I wish I was wearing sunglasses so that everyone couldn't see that I was crying, but that might make me seem suspicious.  Needless to say I did not make a new friend out of this woman who looked upon me with total pity.  I'm now donning my sunglasses and I feel like a giant tool, but the alternative is that people see my freakishly bloodshot eyes.  This is a combo of my sleep deprivation and crying (and my meth addiction).  I'm mentally exhausted, but so insanely excited to get to London.  I've looked up some coffee shops and pubs so I can at least go out for a bit if I want to when I arrive.  Thankfully everything in the area closes around 11pm, so I don't have to feel like a loser when I leave the bar at 10pm.  Only an hour before close is totally legit.

Yeah, this is the look I'm currently rocking.  I will not be making any friends at the airport today.  When you're in Buffalo and you're the sketchiest person you can see you know something's wrong.

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