Friday 6 September 2013

2012 Packing List. Disclaimer: This post will make you pity me and fear for my life.

Well, I thought that putting my teddy bear as my #1 item to pack was the low point in my trip planning, but it turns out I was wrong.  May 11, 2012 was my true low point.  The #1 item on that packing list:  Lizard.  It’s a mini replica of a tile lizard found in Guell Park in Barcelona.

Don’t get me wrong, I like the lizard.  He’s cool and he reminds me of Spain, which is always good because Spain is warm and fun, but would I regret leaving the lizard behind?  He didn’t make it on my second packing list, so evidently not.  Not only did I have this on my list, but I also had three blankets on there.  I was actually prepared to bring a separate suitcase just for my blankets.  On one hand it frightens me that I was ever that irrational, but on the other hand I’m glad that I eventually came to the conclusion that 70% of the items on that list were completely unnecessary and you’d have to be a bona fide hoarder to want to bring them.  I’m going to say that I was most likely on a meth bender at the time.  And by meth bender I probably mean a sugar and/or McDonald’s high.  It’s the only explanation for that temporary insanity.  On the plus side, I’m almost done packing and I think about 90% of what I’ve packed makes sense.  Of course at one point and time I actually wrote down that I wanted to pack an “orange horse”, so who knows if my most recent and hopefully final pack job is actually that of a normal human being. 

*By orange horse I meant Pokey from Gumby.  This doesn’t make it any less bizarre, but at least the orange horse is sort of an action figure.  I couldn't actually find Pokey (that is how little I care for the item that was previously #10 on my packing list), but this what he looks like.

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