Monday 16 September 2013

Best Day Ever?

Today was such an awesome day!  I'll say it, the constant rain was getting to me.  It was relentless and my feet were always wet and I was getting distressed about a couple things, but alas, the sun came out to bless me with its sweet, sweet rays of joy.

Holy shit.  Total side note.  There's a website called and you can sign your friend up for online dating and say what's good about them.  This is amazing and I want a single friend to do this to.  The advert went something like this "My single friend is a bit naughty.  My single friend needs a man, not a boy."  This would be mine: "My friend is super awkward, lives in pajamas, and swigs milk out of a jug."  Any takers?  I know someone wants a piece of this hot mess.

Okay, back on track.  Today I came to the conclusion that Barclays and I are banking soulmates.  We're telepathically connected and it's beautiful.  I had my appointment for my National Insurance Number today and I was like "Damn, I don't have proof of my address."  Lo and behold, my landlady shows up with three pieces of mail from Barclays.  So, that was awesome.  I was able to sign up for my NIN.  Then I go to the library and open up a library account.  As it turns out, they have different library cards for different boroughs of London, so now I have one for Wandsworth that I will never use, but that's not the point.  The point is I got it.  Also, this gives me a new London goal.  Sign up for a library card in every borough.  I'm not sure if this is achievable, but I'm going to have fun trying.

Seriously, their libraries are like palaces on the outside.

This image is really blurry, so you can't really tell, but that's me with my library card.  I took better shots, but trust me, you want the blurry version.

So I leave the library to head over to a viewing of a house.  On the way I see a rainbow.  A fucking rainbow, people.  If that's not a good omen I don't know what is.

Anyway, the house viewing went well.  I think I've found a place to stay, but I may have bullied them into it.  I just booked a train to Paris and I'm in coach 3, seat 47.  Another good omen!  Both of those are in my top five favourite numbers.  3 because it's a great number and my birth month number.  47 because it was my track number in grade 5.  The only time I was the fastest runner in any category.  Don't judge me.

To celebrate this big day I'm eating pizza in bed and swigging milk out of a jug.  You stay classy, San Diego.  That quote didn't make sense.  I just wanted to say it.

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