Monday 23 September 2013

Welcome To Clapham!!!

So today I roamed around Clapham/Battersea/Probably somewhere else.  I have no idea what the areas are around here.  They just suddenly change and you don't even know it happened.  I think I belong to the Borough of Lambeth.  That's what I'm going with because I saw it on a piece of mail at our house today.  It sounds impressive, but anything that starts with "borough" sounds pretty sweet.  My phone says Wandsworth on it though and that's the nearest major road to me.  I like this because it has the word "wand" in it.  When you send me mail just put Lambeth/Wandsworth/Weird girl in a box on the street.  It'll get to me.  The post office and I worked out a deal.

Moving today I went to the Southside Shopping Centre to buy some bedding.  I had bedding yesterday, but no comforter.  So I went there and discovered the beauty of Primark.  Primark is a place with cheap clothes and home stuff.  It's wonderful and I love it.  My roommate (Flatmate?  I'm not in a flat.  Does that make me seem less cool?) said he's not a fan of Primark, but they provided me with towels, bedding, and socks, so they're okay in my books.  If they supplied me with peanut butter we'd be true besties.  The peanut butter here must be laced with crystal meth because it's ridiculously expensive.  I know I brought this up before, but I found some in the corner store and it's £2 for a jar I could easily eat in one sitting.  Since I know this about peanut butter here I'm rationing the jar I have and anyone that comes to visit me must pay a tithe of one 2kg jar of peanut butter.  This only seems fair.  Where was I?  Oh, right.  Primark is awesome.  I love it.  They had some cute dresses and leggings, so maybe I'll get into that look.  Also, please note that I will bring up the peanut butter tithe a lot so that people take it seriously.  I think right now people think I'm joking, but they're dead wrong.  I will turn you away if you show up at my door without peanut butter.

Okay, so Clapham, my new area.

Here are some fun facts for you to read so you can get an idea of where I live.  I will point out that I've already seen that weird Sainsbury's and that cinema.  Most importantly, read #6.  Author of Harry Potter used to live where I'm living right now!!!  Yeah, I bolded that.  That's how stoked I am about this revelation.  I shockingly didn't know this before moving here, but if there was ever any doubt in my mind about the area I've chosen it is now dispelled.  JK Rowling and I are practically best friends.  Don't tell her I said that because she doesn't like to talk about it.

I was trying to get a good shot of the street, but I felt like people were getting weirded out by the sound of my phone camera going off.  I was trying to be discreet and epically failing at it.  Maybe I'll go out one day at 5am and get some money shots to properly show you what everything looks like.  Or maybe I'll learn how to work my phone so I can turn the camera sound off.  I'll choose whichever one takes less effort.

Today was remarkably sunny and beautiful, so I decided to go to the massive park in the middle of Clapham fondly known as Clapham Common. Naturally there was a football match going on because what would England be without a local game of football going down?  Then I just sat around this random pond for an hour because I'm unemployed and I can.

Welcome to Clapham, blog readers (aka my immediate family)!

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