Sunday 22 September 2013

Moving Day....

I may or may not be a bit tipsy right now.  Please don't judge me.  When my flatmates took me to the corner store they said "Will this bottle of wine do?  There are so many hours left in the day."  This a Sunday.  I love these people already.  A bottle of wine is typically my night out and for them it's a Sunday night.

Admittedly I was a bit worried about moving.  On the way here I was about 90% sure everyone on the bus suspected I got evicted.  I was wandering around with all my worldly possessions and I wore about ten layers of clothes just to get here.  I got some weird looks and my luggage kept bowling people over.  Not to mention the fact that as I was leaving my current residence I found some of my clothes drying on the heater (What are those things called?  Seriously, a bottle of wine.  I'm lucky I remember my name.)  My shirts were literally just hanging around the house and I had to tell the lady "If you find anymore of my clothes just send a message and I'll come back for them."  This stems from my social awkwardness.  Instead of giving a heads up that I was leaving I just went " I'm leaving now because I found a place to live.  You were awesome and thanks for everything."  I'm not sure why I didn't give more than 10 minutes notice.  I just didn't know what to say so I avoided it.  If a psychologist is reading this please diagnose me with something.

Anyway, I've been here for less than 24 hours and already I'm in love with my roommates.  Alicia, Mhairi, and Steve.  English, Scottish, and Australian.  They all love drinking and over what would be Thanksgiving we're going out and getting drunk.  I forget why, but when we made the plans there was a good reason.  It may have just been to get drunk.  Oh my gosh, seriously, I forget why. They fed me too much chocolate and booze.

Okay, so I know what you're thinking.  Did they just paint this place blue to distract from the poverty that resides within Brazilian style?  The answer may be yes, but in reality the inside isn't so bad.  My bedroom is a decent size, we have a washer (Why don't they believe in dryers here?) and the bathroom rules.  So it's not a bad place.  We're in a cool area that I love and we're near a lot of transportation.  Not to mention the badass keys.  What's with the three that are old school?  This place' is definitely new.  Is that just to make us think we're living in an old Victorian house? I have yet to find out.  I'm still pondering why we decided to go out in two weeks.  This is my new life.

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