Tuesday 24 September 2013

Game on, Brussels!!!

I've arrived in Brussels! I amazingly didn't get too lost getting to my hostel. I was trapped in the subway station for a bit, but I'm pretty sure they designed it as an experiment to weed out the idiots from Belgium. Nice try, Brussels! After 30 minutes I caught on to your sick game.

So far this place is super random. On the subway a woman wearing trackpants serenaded me. And by me I mean the whole car. She even had her own mic. I'm pretty sure she didn't even make enough to cover the cost of the subway and rightfully so. It was 2pm. That is the least romantic time to perform a subway serenade. Everyone knows that.

After finally escaping the maze trap that is the Brussels subway system I made it to my hostel. They gave me a sweet map showing me where to get cheap beer, so that's what I'm doing tonight. Eric is either showing up late tonight or tomorrow morning. For me this only means that I may wake up in a ditch with no money/clothes and a wicked hangover...I'm sure everything will work out fine.

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