Tuesday 3 September 2013

T-7 Days Until Departure.....

It’s officially one week until I leave for England! As you can see, my blog title is a bit presumptuous. It implies that I’m actually knowledgeable on moving to a different country and that my move will be a successful one. I’m hoping it will trick my family and friends into thinking I know what I’m doing so they don’t fear for my life. In reality my priorities regarding this move are a bit ridiculous. Example #1: The top item on my packing list is my teddy bear. Example #2: So far I’ve packed three journals and a small part of me wants to pack a fourth Harry Potter journal. Apparently I’ve got space to spare in my bags and assume that my impending loneliness will lead to a lot of self-reflection. Example #3: The first thing I want to do when I arrive in London is go on a Harry Potter tour. I don’t have a place to live or a job, but I can put these minor details on the back burner. Learning about where Harry Potter was filmed is far more important. Besides, I’m already prepared for my future career as a panhandler (after I can’t find a job because I have no skills), so I don’t have to worry about things like money. Thanks to my favourite show, The Simpsons, I know all about the six schools of begging. Bad musician, messed up vet, cripple, fake cripple, religious zealot, and crazy guy. If I run for over thirty minutes I might be able to pull off fake cripple. On my lazier days I’ll go for religious zealot. I already go to church, so I figure I’m halfway there. I’m sure my family has found this post very comforting and are relieved to hear that I have a firm plan in place.

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