Saturday 7 September 2013

So Long, Farewell....I'll see you at the BBQ

So straight up, that last post barely made any sense.  I'm blaming it on the sleep deprivation.  I'm pretty sure at the beginning I was going on and on about getting lost and how that's my #1 concern and then later on I said it was going to be my inability to make any friends.  I don't doubt that I'll struggle to make friends, but I'm a hermit, so that wouldn't be a primary concern of mine.  An ideal night for me is when I'm in my pajamas at 7pm and watching a TV marathon of anything.  If I make any friends in London it will be a miracle.  Sorry, that was a tangent.  The point is, my posts will be incoherent until I get settled in London.  After that they'll probably still be incoherent, but then it will be from the meth (Once again meth is code for McDonald's.  I'm just trying to impress people by acting as if I know what a meth bender is even like.  I imagine it's very similar to my food comas after McDonald's, which is why I'm acting like they're interchangeable.)

Since today is my farewell BBQ and I have to say goodbye to a bunch of people I guess I'll talk about the awkwardness of saying goodbye.  I feel like I'm being sent to my death in London.  Everyone's acting like I'll never return to Canada in my lifetime.  As if I'll move to England and immediately decide that Canada blows and everyone there can suck it.  I'm going to take this opportunity to tell my friends and family that I love them and no matter what I will find a way to come back and see them.  I'm not going to London and never turning back.  There's a good chance that after six months I'll decide that I miss my dog too much and run back home to her.  Even if I don't do that I can still just buy a plane ticket to come home and visit.  Until that time there's Skype and my annoying emails.  There are so many ways to communicate long distance these days that it's amazing anyone is ever missed.  People will probably be begging me to stay away once they discover what life is like without me.  I guess I'm saying all this because I'm not a fan of goodbyes.  I don't like the finality that it implies, so instead I'm telling everyone I'll see them later because unless some freak accident happens I will.  That being said, I know that some people like a proper goodbye and I'm sorry that I've denied you that by dismissing the whole thing.  I'm also going to add that I love Canada and it definitely doesn't blow.  I think it's a great country and I'm so proud to be from here.  I'm only leaving it to pick up some awesome British slang and to get married to a lord that looks and acts like Colin Firth.  Then I will return to Canada a hero....or at the very least a lady.

Okay, I could not look more awkward in this picture, but I'm trying to prove that I love Canada by forcing my brother to stand on his bed in front of his Canadian flag with me.  I don't know why I'm defending my love for Canada so much in this post.  I'm about 93% sure Stephen Harper and/or Border Security aren't reading this blog, so they're not going to stop me from reentering the country.  Even if they did happen to stumble upon this they have to let me back in anyway because I'm  a citizen.  I should probably go to sleep now.  This is a ridiculously long post and I'm about five seconds away from posting the first verse of O Canada.

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