Friday 13 September 2013

The Subtle Art of Finding a Flatmate

I think I'm getting progressively creepy with my messages to people looking for flatmates.  I started off being very formal and stating my finer points, such as being easygoing and tidy (that's not entirely true, but by comparison I'm usually not bad).  Then I transitioned to saying stupid things like "I'm short and can fit in anywhere."  As if this is something people look for when seeking a flatmate.  It's my pathetic attempt at humour, but then I remember that usually humour doesn't translate well in these situations and I just come off looking like a desperate idiot who's using her small stature to her advantage.  Now I'm at the stage where I'm just laying it all out there and showing the world how unbelievably weird I am and hoping that someone else out there is just as weird as me.  Here's an example of how downhill I've gone.  There's this thing called "buddy up" where you can find someone who is looking for a room, but would also consider buddying up with someone to fill two rooms in a flat or getting get a flat with you and finding other flatmates.  So I messaged this guy and was like "Yo, you seem funny.  Let's maybe do this and we can find someone else to get in on it.  That sounded like I was inviting you to a three way.  I'm sorry.  I'm super creepy.  This was probably an alarming message for you.  I don't expect to ever hear from you."  That was almost verbatim my message.  Thankfully my address isn't on there because if it was the police would probably be arriving to arrest me tomorrow.  In my defense I'm still sleep deprived, but in reality I'm just letting my freak flag fly and acting like a serial murderer who finds their victims on roommate sites.

Update:  The guy who I messaged about the buddy up is actually willing to get a drink with me to see if we want to be flatmates.  I bet it was the three way comment that got him.

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