Saturday 7 September 2013

How Game of Thrones Calms My Nerves

Okay, I changed the colours on my blog, but only temporarily.  I was overwhelmed with the choices and basically just settled on the most hideous layout.  My apologies to anyone viewing it.  I'll change it one day.  Possibly when I'm drunk because I think it can only improve my sense of style.  On the bright side, I found the rock salt font for the title and it totally looks like the font used for Dawson's Creek.  That font will be staying and possibly used for every post from here on out.

Time for the real purpose of this post.  I'm at the point in my moving preparations where I'm intensely nervous about everything.  All of a sudden I'm having panic attacks about everything.  What if I make no friends?  What if three days in I get slammed with homesickness?  What if the people at McDonald's don't find it endearing that I'm ordering a Happy Meal everyday?  I pretty much get this any time I'm going somewhere new.  My main problem is that I get lost everywhere I go, so leaving the house to go anywhere new is always daunting.  I have a bad sense of direction, which is bad enough, but on top of that I also like to commit to a route that I know is wrong.  Even when I'm sure I've gone the wrong way I'll keep going for another 20 minutes until I've confirmed it's the wrong way.  At least where I live now I know that if I just start heading south eventually I'll hit Lake Ontario.  I'm not sure in London I'll have that luxury and that's a bit frightening.  Fortunately for me I've been reading Game of Thrones lately (I'm currently reading A Feast for Crows, the fourth one).  Even though I know that it's a work of fiction it always provides me with comfort.  The women in those books are all brave in their own way, even when they're scared.  I'm not saying that the move I have chosen to make is anything like what the characters in GOT go through.  My biggest hurdle is basically overcoming my social awkwardness to make new friends.  The ladies of GOT however are tough as nails.  They've killed people, slept with men to get what they want, watched their children die, birthed dragons, and been resurrected from the dead.  They've done it all.  They're awesome and if I ever need inspiration to get through a tough time I'm turning to the works of George R.R. Martin.  Moving to London is small potatoes compared to burning the corpse of your husband after unknowingly sacrificing your unborn child to keep him alive.  If nothing else I think I can assume my life in London will be easier than that.

P.S.  I'm sorry if I've spoiled Game of Thrones for anyone.  Also, please don't judge me for using fictitious characters to overcome my undiagnosed anxiety disorder.  It's totally nerdy, but that's what happens when you read books as a kid instead of playing in the park with other children.

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