Saturday 21 September 2013

How to print stuff and do laundry London style

I was on fire today.  I somehow managed to be super productive and now I get to do nothing all night.  I bought a blow dryer and loofahs.  This may not seem that impressive, but I've come to realize that I depend on Walmart for a lot of things.  Basically anything where you go "Hmmm.  Where should I get that?"  The answer is always Walmart.  They have just about everything, so you're guaranteed to find it.  I got a tip from someone about this place called Argos.  It's basically this store with a bunch of catalogues.  You go in, select what you want, pay for it, and then they call your number and give it to you.  It's a very efficient way of shopping and I'm kind of a fan.  It requires very little human contact and I don't get lost in the store.  Wins all around.

Then I went through the painful task of trying to sign my lease.  I had to sign and scan it to the guy because he's out of the country this weekend.  You'd think this wouldn't be hard, but without a printer or scanner it's actually extremely difficult.  I went to the Croydon library to try and figure it out.

Second library card down.  I'm on a roll with these things.  Two in less than two weeks.  I'm coming for you next, Clapham!

As it turns out Canadian libraries are like a dream compared to British libraries.  At the Croydon library (and presumably all London libraries) you have to register for a computer.  You can't just hop on one and enter in your card number.  You have to go to this creepy station and enter a password and then it gives you the option of booking a computer at any library and you're like I'm here why would I want to book at the one across town.  Anyway, I basically decided that was too much work and walked to a super creepy internet cafe where there were two cops interviewing the owner.  On the bright side I only had to pay £1.50 for the whole thing because the guy was so distracted by the police.

Now I'm sitting in bed watching Scooby Doo 2 and doing laundry, I think.  I feel like everyone here only has a washer, which is cool, except I don't really get how that works with underwear.  Is my landlady going to hang it up in her backyard?  Do I hang it up in the bathroom?  Do they do laundry every week because to hoard it university style creates a logistical problem?  This is how I'm spending the remainder of my Saturday...pondering how I'll dry my underwear.  

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