Saturday 14 September 2013

A Stroll Through Central London

Today I decided to throw caution to the wind and head into Central London.  Prepare yourself for this.  I didn't get lost.  You can't see it, but I'm fist pumping right now.  Before you get too excited by this big development all I had to do was take the tram to Wimbledon and then take the District Line to Westminster, so it was pretty hard to fuck up, but that's never stopped me before.  Anyway, I made it and I somehow made it home too.

Total side note, I'm watching X Factor UK and it's so phenomenal.  There's a woman named Heather, but she wants to be called Souli Roots and sings songs about the recession.  I wonder if I can get in on this as her back up, Lil Souli.

Okay, so today I saw Big Ben, Westminster, Buckingham Palace and then walked through St. James and Hyde Park.  In Hyde Park there was some triathlon expo on.  It was really intense and my self esteem plummeted by about 80% just by being around all of the athletes.  They all had amazing calves and made me sick with their fitness level.  I was just starting to get impressed with my walking endurance and now that is shattered.

The highlight of my little walkabout was this.

I'm sure there's a good reason for why this is happening, but I don't know what it is.  All I know is that I'm so relieved unicorns and lions are finally living in harmony.  That was an awkward couple of centuries.

In other random news, I met the other two guys staying in this house.  Both German and very smart.  I had dinner with them and learned that I'm extremely glad to not be German because they crush children's dreams there at the age of 12.

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