Thursday 12 September 2013

Day 2: An Expert's Guide on Getting Lost

Obviously I've gotten lost about 15 times at this point.  I refuse to take full blame for this.  First off, the street signs are insanely low to the ground.  I'm only 5'2", so if they're too low for me they're too low for everyone.  Unless you're a hobbit.  I'm pretty convinced that Croydon was actually founded by hobbits.  On top of this Google maps told me to go straight through a roundabout to stay on the road I was already on.  That's not a real thing.  You can't just go through a roundabout.  That's the whole point.  You have to go around.  I think Google maps was created by a group of pranksters who purposely confuse me so that I can look foolish to the locals.  Here's where I am to blame.  I'm trying to trick people into thinking I know what I'm doing, so I never ask for directions and I just walk until I see something I recognize.  Oddly enough Croydon was designed for stubborn idiots such as myself.  The city planner of Croydon has done me a solid by making it so that every road somehow leads to the downtown core.  Even when I get severely lost I manage to get to where I need to be.  So tonight I toast my beer to you Croydon city planner.  I will say this for getting lost, it allows you to see way more of the city than if you were to just stay on the proper path.  I managed to find Croydon Minster and Old Town during today's roaming adventure.  They were both pretty cool and I'm glad I got to check them out.

This is a shot of Croydon Minster.  Admittedly I was across the road at the time, but I eventually got over there to see it and then found my way downtown.

Time for a tip of the day.  If you ever need to open up a bank account in England and you don't have a permanent address, go to Barclay's.  They are like a dream come true for awkward and unprepared travelers.  I can actually get a debit card with my picture on it.  I don't necessarily want one, but I like the option.  Anyway, they didn't need a permanent address, only the address that I'm currently staying at.  In fact, it was easier to open up a bank account than to open up an account at the library.  Since I have no proof of address I couldn't get a library card.  In all fairness to the library, I do have an outstanding fine of $10 back in Burlington, so I'm not the most trustworthy book borrower.  That being said, the people of Croydon beat me hands down though.  The other two people in line with me owed £50 and £28.  How does that even happen?

This is the main library branch (aka the place that denied me free books because I'm technically homeless).

Even though I said that I've been lost a lot I have managed to learn the name of a whopping three streets.  George, Wellesley, and Surrey.  If you're ever in the area just know those three streets.  George and Wellesley both have a lot on them and are on the tram link, so as long as you can find them you can get anywhere.  Surrey has a market on it seemingly everyday of the week.  My two favourite vendors of the day: Meats From Around the World (This included kangaroo and ostrich.  I have every intention of trying this vendor one day.) and Street Cheese.  This isn't actually what it's called, but that's essentially what it is.  You can just buy all kinds of cheese there.  Need I say more?  This is clearly a place I want to visit everyday.

Now I'm back in The Green Dragon.  It's officially my favourite place in Croydon.  There are always people playing pool here, I just heard the theme song to Veronica Mars, and The Simpsons is on TV.  I'm pretty sure the city planner of Croydon also designed this bar.  He's my hero.  I hate to admit it, but as of right now I'm on a bit of a Medieval times diet.  I've had more beer than water and keep eating various kinds of meat for dinner.  In an hour I'm going to challenge the pool sharks to a duel.

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