Saturday 28 September 2013

I wasn't smoked by a bike!

This was my biggest accomplishment in Amsterdam. Those guys stop for no one. They're out to get all pedestrians. I don't actually get the big deal with Amsterdam, but I'm also not into pot, hookers, and riding bikes. On the bright side I hung out in a park, had some good beer, and got to hang out with Shannon. It was worth it, but Eric and I are excited for Munich because we're all about the beer. I find Amsterdam pretty in a lot of ways with the canals and the park, but the Red Light District disturbs me. I just want to pay for the education they're hooking for and send them on their way. That would require money though so they're out of luck. I think I'm just too old and boring to hang out in a place that's main attraction is getting high. So instead I'll head over to a place where I drink beer all day with guys sporting lederhosen.

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