Sunday 15 September 2013

Dear Compass App, Thanks for rocking my socks.....

Major breakthrough!  I can't believe I forgot about this.  When you have an Android phone your google apps are synced with your account, so when I got this new phone all of my apps came back on....including  my compass app!  I feel foolish for not having remembered this before. I have the great misfortune of having an internal opposite compass.  Every time google maps tells me to go south east on a street I take a stab at what that might be and it's always wrong.  I should just go the opposite way of what I think, but then I think that will be wrong.  Today on my trek home from a bar in Central London I suddenly remembered the app and it was like a dream come true.  It showed me where south east was, I followed it and it led me to a victory.  To you, google app store I dedicate the heartwarming theme song to Golden Girls, "Thank You For Being a Friend."  I'm not saying I'll never get lost again, but at the very least I'll be able to follow the first instruction on google map.  For anyone reading this who also has no internal compass, do yourself a favour and download the app.  You won't regret it.

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