Saturday 5 October 2013

You know your roommates are awesome when....

Before I even get into my night I'm just going to say that I was in my sweatpants by 6pm and had every intention of going to bed around 9pm completely sober.  Here's what happened instead....

That totally made it seem like I went on some crazy bender last night.  Like I came back wearing a bunch of glow sticks and found two guys in my bed.  In reality my night consisted of getting drunk and watching movies.  So this post is dedicated to the awesomeness of my roommates.  First off, they gave me free food.  That was enough to win me over because free food is basically my favourite thing.  The only thing that could be better is free McDonald's, which I'm aware is food, but they obviously didn't come home with free McDonald's for me.  They don't even know that my favourite meal is the Quarter Pounder with a Coke (aka combo #1).  Unless I'm splurging and then it's a Big Mac meal.  Interesting fact, in Munich they don't seem to have the Quarter Pounder meal.  They just have hamburgers and cheeseburgers.  Perhaps the thought of ordering fast food by weight repulses them.  I felt too gross to ask.  Anyway, so my one roommate supplied me with dinner and dessert making her my new favourite roommate.  My other roommate also provided me with a secondary dessert, so he's a close second.  Then we cracked open a bottle of wine each and watched Dirty Dancing and Disney movies all night.  We were full out singing to The Little Mermaid and it made my day complete.  Belting "Part of Your World" at 1am, although annoying to the neighbours, is so satisfying.  Mainly because you think you sound just like Ariel thanks to all the booze.  By the end of the night I'd had about a bottle and a half of wine and went to bed at 4am.  Although for the last two hours I was Skyping with my family, so I can't pin that one on my roommates.  The point is that my roommates are amazing, but may also be a very bad influence on me.  They can all drink a lot more than me and at this point I have no friends so my only option is to succumb to peer pressure and try to keep up with them.  Unfortunately for me my health is rapidly deteriorating, so I think I have no choice but to admit defeat and be a loser that stays in tonight.  It'll be boring, but if I can get rid of my smoker's cough voice it will totally be worth it.

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