Tuesday 8 October 2013

What's the deal with the coffee?

Update:  I solved the mystery of the Pac Man van.  On my way home from the grocery store I saw some guy scraping off Pac, so it seems that this guy got a deal on a van because there was Pac Man stuff all over it and now he's trying to clean it so his friends don't think he's lame.  I'm thinking that I should replace that brainy bitch Velma in Scooby's gang.  I'm clearly way more efficient than she is.

Now I have a new and very important mystery to solve.  Finding cheap coffee.  This is more of a quest than a mystery.  I've been working on it since I got here.  Here's a tip for anyone thinking of moving to London.  Don't be fooled by their £1.25 coffee.  If someone says you're getting a coffee for a £1.25 it means it looks like this.

That's right.  For what would be around $2.00 in Canada you get a tiny styrofoam cup of coffee.  I've been tricked into this multiple times now.  I'm beginning to think that Starbucks is my only option because clearly people in Europe think that a shot of coffee will do me for the day.  They are sorely mistaken.  Thanks to IMAX I require probably a litre of coffee a day.  I know it's sick and I've tried to go off it, but my body is sluggish without it.  I think IMAX should probably buy me a coffee maker and a lifetime supply of coffee grounds and filters since they're responsible for my dependency on coffee.

In other news, I was asked for directions today!  Granted the guy was asking everyone he saw, including a woman who resembled the crazy cat lady from The Simpsons, but I was still excited about it.  At least I look like someone who may know directions and not someone who's wandering the streets lost and confused.  If I was able to give him directions to where he was going that would have really made my day.  Instead he had to rely on the crazy cat lady.

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