Monday 14 October 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Well, obviously by being here I've missed my favourite holiday.  I would totally sacrifice Christmas for Thanksgiving, but unfortunately Thanksgiving is just too soon for me to be flying home.  I managed to hang out with two Canadians this weekend and yesterday I had dinner in a Canadian pub, so I feel that that's as close as I can get to a Thanksgiving here.  I say that in the hope that you're all aware I can't cook, so cooking a turkey isn't an option.  Also, what would I do with a giant turkey?  If I were to make a whole turkey for myself I may as well just buy a cat and call it a day.  My big attempt to do get a Thanksgiving meal item was asking my roommate if pumpkin pie is a thing here.  It's not.  They have pumpkin spice lattes at Starbucks still, but no actual pumpkin pie.  Why you gotta play me like that, London?  I don't know why the Brits haven't jumped on board with a holiday that's dedicated to thanks and eating, but I'm thinking I should work on converting them for next year.  Or I'll just fly home and get to eat pie.  I did get to watch football and I got mashed potatoes and vegetables with my meal yesterday, so I didn't do too badly.  My original plans were to sit at home sulking about the fact that I'm missing my favourite holiday, so I'm considering this alternate version a success.  Happy Thanksgiving to all my family and friends!  I hope you all enjoyed your delicious meals and pumpkin pie.  Now that you know that pumpkin pie is a rare commodity you should all savor it more.  Really appreciate what a luxury it is.  Then tell me about it so I can live vicariously through you.

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