Friday 18 October 2013

Ponderings of the week

These are all related to Clapham since I rarely venture to other neighbourhoods.

1.  Everyone seems to own a scooter.  I'm talking push scooters here, not even electric ones.  They're everywhere and not limited to children.  I feel like I'm missing out on some kind of trend.
2.  No one seems to work.  I see a suspiciously large number of people drinking coffee at all times of the day.  How do people afford to live in London without a job?
3.  Neon yellow pinnies (10 points to anyone who knows what a pinny is.  Hint: You had to wear them in gym class) seem to be worn by a lot of people here.  Are they all construction workers?  Do they do this so that they don't get hit by cars?  If I get one will I be instantly cooler and more accepted in my neighbourhood?
4.  Do people here not run on coffee the way we do in North America?  When I told my roommate I was considering buying a coffee machine she said the one she has would suffice, but hers only makes one small cup at a time.  I need at least three of those a day to function.
5.  Were these candies created to give me a sugar addiction and possibly lead me down a dark path towards diabetes?

6.  Can I get on one of the many reality shows that exist to humiliate you when you're drunk and pathetic in a club?
7.  I know they get American TV, but I never see anything but Friends on.  Do they think that Friends is an accurate depiction of life in North America?

I have a lot more ponderings, but these are my main ones for the week.  It's given me a lot to think about.  I really need to start working soon so that I don't care about these mundane things so much anymore.

1 comment:

  1. WTF? Where is everyone? No comments? This is an incredible blog! Well, I'm going to get the ball rolling in the comments department.
    Heather, I love your blog! Keep them coming.
    By the way, I'm awkward too... and, I own a Prius.
