Tuesday 15 October 2013

Off to Camden I Go

Try not to be too shocked by this, but I actually managed to do something interesting today.  So far I've been squandering my time off in London by never leaving myt was pretty area or just going to see the touristy stuff that I've already seen.  Today I went to Camden Market, which is still a tourist attraction, but one I've never been to before.  I'm going to start with the fact that there was a cookie bar there.  The moment I saw that sign I had to go.  Turns out a cookie bar is just a cookie shop where you go and sit at the counter like it's a bar.  Naturally I got a peanut butter and chocolate chip cookie heated up.  It was amazing.

So Camden Market is basically just a bunch of random little markets.  A lot of it is just pure tourist stuff, but they had a lot of food stands and some vintage shops in there.  They also had a lot of weird names like The Railway or Horse Tunnel Market, so that made it fun to explore.  Lots of random statues too.  Now I'm to go watch the England vs. Poland game.  Fingers crossed for England!

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