Thursday 10 October 2013


So apparently the good city of London is on board with my awkwardness.  I got the job I interviewed for yesterday.  I legitimately said I was lame at one point during the interview.  When she called to tell me I sounded so surprised she went "You sound shell shocked.  Are you okay?"  They're probably thinking they've made the biggest mistake in hiring me.  Not only did I get a job, but I got a job that's in my field and I think they have free coffee there.  It's an hour out in Sutton, which is too bad, but Sutton is really cute so I'm willing to do it.  I was honestly prepared to be unemployed for ages and I was wondering how I'd pay for my drinking problem, but it looks like my alcoholism can continue.  I'm kidding.  I honestly don't have a drinking problem.  My family is probably legitimately worried about my drinking habits, but I haven't had a drink since Tuesday.  That was a joke, but true at the same time.  Anyway, to celebrate I'm getting McDonald's tonight because that's what champs do.

I found this pond in the park to sit in because I thought the call was going to be bad news.  There's a legitimate fishing contest that's going on there this weekend, so I'm obviously swinging by for that.  The poster also mentioned something about swimming.  I only half read it, but in my mind people are wearing speedos and diving for fish.  How can I possibly pass that up?

Total side note:  I was sick for both my interview and when I looked at the house I'm currently living in.  Be honest with me friends and family, do I hold a greater appeal when I'm sick?  I'm beginning to think I do because I never had this much luck as a healthy person.  I'm planning on being sick all the time to keep this lucky streak going.

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