Thursday 3 October 2013

Oktoberfest Day 2: Partying with the locals

Yesterday we got to Oktoberfest a bit later, but that was probably for the best since everyone was a bit hungover. This time I had a bit more of the local cuisine because a nice girl at our table was feeding us all chicken and at the end of the night Eric and I got a sausage. We spent the whole day in the Lowenbrau tent. I had a whopping three beers. I lost count with Eric. We met two guys from Alberta. They were with some Australian group that goes around to different beer tents. We also had a lot of locals at our table, which was really cool. It's good to see that they don't hate it and like to get into it too. Today I'm pretty hungover and we have a 7 hour drive back to Belgium. I feel bad since Eric has to do all the driving. After that I'm taking an 8 hour bus ride back to London. So basically my next 24 hours is going to be very dull.

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