Monday 7 October 2013

Meeting Up....with fellow Canadians

So today I attempted a Canadian meetup group.  For those of you who aren't nerdy and don't need assistance making friends there's a site called that allows you to pick groups that interest you and go meet new people.  Up until this point I've been hesitant because meeting new people is terrifying.  It brings out all my social awkwardness and typically ends in me drinking too much.  I'm also just too lazy and would rather stay home, but I don't want my roommates to think I'm a total hermit and it's a Monday, so I figured I have nothing to lose.  We met up at a Canadian themed bar called The Maple Leaf.

It was a pretty cute place and they played hockey on TV, which is cool.  The meetup wasn't terrible.  I met some cool people and made a new friend that's living in Clapham, but they all really wanted to talk about Canada and your life in London because so far that's all we have in common and it was kind of boring from that respect.  The one guy gave me a tip that the best meetups to go to are the ones where you all have a common interest, like religion or whatever.  I'd be a bit afraid to get into a Christian group though.  Even though I'm fairly religious I'm not really into other Christians because I'm a horrible person.  They start throwing Bible quotes at me and when I don't know them I feel judged and inadequate.  I prefer to just spread love and peace like a hippie.  Anyway, the point is that I'll probably go to this meetup again and try to talk to people that don't like to talk about the politics of Canada because that's not what I want to talk about with anyone.  I will also point out that I only had one beer, which for me is impressive in a pretty intimidating social scenario.

On a way more fun note, check out this photo of a...trailer?  RV?  Van? from the parking lot near my place.  I can't decide if it's for something or if this person just really loves Pac Man.  "Chomp on this" makes it sound like it's for some sort of food, but then there's no indication of a type of business on it.  I'm glad me and the gang (the gang being my cell phone and iPod) have another mystery on our hands.  Ever since I figured out the mystery of the laundry I've been bored.  

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