Friday 4 October 2013

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

I've now crossed the English Channel via train, plane, and bus.  Here's what I've learned, taking the bus is exhausting.  It took 8 hours to get from Brussels to London.  This is after it was an hour late arriving to the bus stop in Brussels, which was completely outside.  No shelter or anything and in a sketchy side street.  Then you get to the French border to cross the Channel and you have to get out and go to border control.  Then you get back on the bus for about five minutes as the bus drives onto the ferry.  Then you get off the bus and roam around the ferry for two hours and get back on the bus to continue your journey.  Granted I got on the bus at 1am after 7 hours of driving from Munich, so I probably wasn't in the best frame of mind, but if you can afford it I definitely recommend the train.  It's by far the best way to get around Europe.  It's fast, it gets you into the middle of town, the security isn't as crazy as planes and apparently not as crazy as buses either.  That being said, it's about double the cost of the train, so you really have to decide if it's worth it.  Now I'm finally home and it feels good.  I got to have a nice long shower, I'm going to do some grocery shopping, and I'm sober.  Although I'm a bit nervous for my impending withdrawal symptoms.  I actually felt so sick on the bus from all of the candy, sugar, and beer that I've consumed over the past week and a half.  Once I stopped to think about it I realized that I must have been on some kind of suicide mission.  It was a bit out of control.  I'm sad it's over though.  I really had a fun time and met some awesome people.  People who are travelling around Europe are always so interesting because they all have different reasons for doing it and different budgets.  The one thing all hostelers seem to have in common is that they all find money for booze.  I think most people in hostels would give up food and shelter to be able to drink beer all around Europe.  Alright, so now I'm going to find Asda's and do my first big shopping trip.  Then I'm going to attempt to find a place to do my laundry because even though I have a washer I don't see how that helps me when it comes to drying my clothes.  This is one of the great mysteries of living in London.

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