Tuesday 22 October 2013

To the gym...and beyond!

Disclaimer: This is a couple days old now.  When I originally tried to publish it my internet was being annoying.

I finally made it to the gym!  I have to admit, I wasn't going to go.  I was going to once again succumb to my laziness, but my roommate basically told me to get out and while I was gone she'd clean her room.  The workout was great.  I felt a bit out of place because no one here seems to clean the machines.  So I awkwardly went up to someone and went "Um, so, are there like cloths or anything so I can wipe down the machine?"  They looked at me with a blank face and then told me to just use paper towels if I really felt it was necessary.  After that I shut my mouth and avoided speaking to anyone.  Apart from that it was a decent workout.  I'm not as out of shape as I thought and some of the machines are really cool.  The other confusing part was that you have to put in a pin code to get in and then they put you in this weird glass thing that then allows you to enter the gym.  Hard to explain.  I'll take a picture next time.  Oh, and they also have random neon lights in every gym I passed.  I'm not sure if that's some sort of motivational tool or if gyms turn into nightclubs at night, but it was interesting all the same.

In sadder news, I've had to dispose of my beloved Converse sneakers.  They had holes in the bottom and smell bad.  Their official time of death was 4:37pm and they now reside in my trash can.  Converse sneakers, you had a good run and got me through a lot of rough times.  I will miss you.  You served me well.

Update:  One day after my workout my legs were so sore that I had a limp.  I haven't been back to the gym since, but I do intend on going back eventually because I still haven't kicked my candy habit.  I figure if I'm going to have no teeth by the end of this year I should at least attempt to be fit.  Also, I tried to replace my Converse sneakers and I'm having a tough time because my feet are a size 3 here.  I don't know if that makes my feet sound dainty or child like.  I'll ask around and get back to you on it.

1 comment:

  1. If you put the candy on the dashboard of the treadmill and increase the speed to 7km/hr (random high number) you can work toward the candy. Be sure the safety alarm is securely attached to you before increasing the speed...trust me.
