Friday 11 October 2013

Happy one month anniversary to me!

So it's my one month anniversary in London.  I'm not sure if you can even say it's been one month since half of that was spent in other countries, but whatever.  Sadly I had McDonald's yesterday so today I will not be having that in celebration.  In fact I'm having an extremely lame day in celebration, but tomorrow I'm going to go to the British Museum.  It may be sad that that's my treat, but I don't care.  I'm very excited for it.

Things I've learned so far:

1.  Where to buy a blow dryer, towels, groceries, and clothes.
2.  That pedestrians don't have the right of way or if they do no one cares.
3.  That the person who created the traffic lights was most likely an aspiring evil genius who hates pedestrians.  I discussed this with a Canadian PhD student and she agrees with me, so I know I'm right.
4.  Everyone in England wonders why I moved here leading me to believe that I could have convinced someone to do a house swap with me The Holiday style.  My mom is now an empty nester so I'm sure she would have been on board with this.
5.  I found a gym that costs less and gives me more than my one back home.  Plus it's open 24 hours a day and you don't have to sign up for a contract, just like Snap.  I wasn't going to join a gym, but after a month of eating mostly carbs and candy I think it might be necessary.
6.  Being sick is apparently appealing to everyone in London.
7.  The service here is terrible and I love it.
8.  That if I'm given too much time to do nothing I become extremely lazy and more sloth like.
9.  Museums are still free and now that I know that I might go crazy.
10.  I don't understand half of what people are saying.
11.  The TV here is crazy raunchy.  I actually saw a guy get a cold sore burned off his penis the other day.  It was revolting and I can't get it out of my head.

Things I have yet to learn:

1.  Cheap coffee.  Yeah, I'm still going on about this.  It is the bane of my existence.  I've been to at least 10 different coffee shops since arriving here.  The day I find anything under £2 that gives me more than a thimble of coffee is the day I will know I belong here.
2.  An internal sense of direction.  I'm still lost on a very regular basis.  I'm getting better, but barely.
3.  Where I can get a cheap haircut.  I thought I actually found a place, but then it turned out to be a men's barber shop.  For a split second I considered going in anyway and claiming to be an extremely effeminate man just to see if they would give me the haircut, but ultimately I decided against it.  So now the search continues.  I just want a First Choice or Super Cuts.  Is that so much to ask?
4.  How to make new friends.  I haven't really tried that hard to make new friends.  To be honest I'm kind of enjoying the time to myself, but when the time comes that I need to make new friends I'm not sure how I'll do it.
5.  Probably loads of other stuff, but I'm watching a show on nudists so I can't think of them right now.  I'll update you again at two months.

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