Thursday 24 October 2013

Adventures with Peanut Butter

Well loyal blog readers, the day has finally arrived.  I have finished my jar of Kraft peanut butter and now I've had to move on to Sun-Pat.  I always knew this day would come, but I don't think I was ready for it.  Sun-Pat claims to have an American recipe, but I can tell you right now that it's different.  I think it tastes more like peanuts and therefore contains less sugar than Kraft.

Farewell my beloved smooth Kraft peanut butter, like my Converse sneakers I shall miss thee.

The coolest thing about SP is that it comes in a glass jar.  Very classy.  However, it doesn't have the tin foil covering that I enjoy peeling, but it does have a sticker to seal it so that you know no one broke in.  I guess that will do.  Since I have no other option I suppose this peanut butter is passable.  I'll still eat a pb sand a day, but I'll admit that I already miss the sugary goodness of Canadian pb.  I've said it before and I'll say it again, anyone who comes to visit me must pay me a tithe of one jar of peanut butter.  Any size will do since all sizes are bigger than the ones here.  When my roommate saw my jar of Kraft he commented on how big it was.  I told him I brought the small size.  It was only a little 1 kger.  Imagine if I had brought the 2 kg one.  His mind would have been blown.  In case you're wondering, Sun-Pat is a puny 600 g.  They actually have Skippy here, but the jar is essentially travel size (my guess is 200 g).  I could eat it in 10 minutes flat.  In fact, I hope someone dares me to do that just so I can prove I'm right.

I took a photo of me smiling with the Sun-Pat to try and trick myself into thinking it would be good.  Even before opening it I knew it wouldn't be the same, but at that time I still had hope.

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