Sunday 1 December 2013

Just Because It's Christmas.....

Of course since I said I'm not drinking all the time I now have to admit that I didn't go to church today because I was too hungover.  In my defense I had no intention of going out on both Friday and Saturday, but my housemate basically bullied me into it.  The good thing is that both nights were in Clapham, so I got to walk home at the end of the night and not spend any money on a cab.  Thankfully I did have some productivity this weekend.  I managed to get a couple of Christmas presents and I saw some cool stuff downtown.  Please do your best to appreciate the pictures I'm about to show you.  I had to force my friend to stop every five minutes while I took lame touristy shots of all this stuff.


They are loving Christmas over here.  The decorations are all over the city and they're crazy.  I'm constantly like a little kid screaming stuff like "Oh my gosh, it's so pretty."  If all of that wasn't enough excitement I also went into a toy store.

In case you're wondering, I have no idea who that child is, but after about ten minutes of standing around waiting for parents to acknowledge my presence and allow me one small photo I finally just took the creepy route and snapped a photo of some unknown child.  In all fairness, had I been in the photo I would have been similarly creepy and respectful of the Lego Queen.  This store was overwhelmingly fun.  There were people screaming and throwing airplanes at my head.  Kids were everywhere and I learned that Furbys cost £80, which is absolutely bonkers.  Now that I'm older I feel so bad for putting my parents through the stress at finding money for a ridiculous toy I would only use for a month.  I had no idea that Lego and Ninja Turtles figurines were so expensive.  I feel like I've lived a very sheltered life.

In other news, I'm actually reaching a ridiculous point with missing my dog.  I saw a dog on the tube today and I was smiling like a psychopath the whole time.  Despite this the owner allowed me to pet her.  Apparently she didn't realize that I was one second away from kidnapping her dog and renaming it Beneficent Benson.  Her real name was Jesse (although she totally looked like a Beneficent) and she was some sort of black dog.  Not a lab.  Anyway, I've actually started to research getting some other kind of pet, like a ferret or a hamster.  I don't need a pet, but I'm having some sort of weird maternal instinct without Bean around.  I just want to look after something.  The only thing holding me back is that my housemates may not enjoy the smell of a ferret and might actually find it repulsive.  

As a final thought on the weekend, it's now December, so this is just a reminder to you all that "Just because it's Christmas and at Christmas you tell the truth."  That sounds weird out of context, but you should all watch Love Actually and bask in the amazingness that is the Christmas season.  The end.

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