Sunday 22 December 2013

Christmas is coming....

So, I started this yesterday and then never posted it because I actually got too lazy.

Well, it's Saturday afternoon and all I've done today is drink a pot of coffee and watch the X Factor USA finale.  I have no investment in either contestant and I think they both suck, but I must know who wins.  When this is your Saturday you know that you're winning at life.  Nothing beats a Saturday of pure indulgence.  Just relaxing and knowing that it's completely justified because all the sights and malls are insanely packed plus it's raining outside.  The world wants me to be doing nothing indoors all day.

Anyway, I'm now preparing for Christmas and by that I mean I stole some decorations from work and I'm about to read A Christmas Carol.  I sort of OD on Christmas spirit when we come to the Christmas home stretch.  Christmas movies, A Christmas Carol, Christmas beats on my iPod.  I love it.  Of course I'm also the laziest person ever when it comes to actually coming through with presents at Christmas because malls are filled with youth and they scare me.  So this year I'm aiming for the Polish Christmas on January 6th because I've only sent out Christmas cards.  I've learned that shopping for presents is much harder without a car and no major mall nearby.  I have some presents and wrapping paper, so it's just a matter of actually sending stuff back home.  My defense will be that I'm trying to extend the time of Christmas joy by getting them sent over late.

Keeping on the Christmas theme, my housemate and I have found an orphans Christmas in the Clapham area.  I'm actually very excited for it.  I think it'll be fun to just have a chill Christmas that's pretty much just drinking and listening to Christmas music.  Although I will admit that I'll miss my family.  My Portuguese coworker said that she found it liberating when she spent her first Christmas away from home, but she went to her boyfriend's, so I don't think that's that liberating.  You're still having a family Christmas.  I think she's just pitying me and trying to pump me up for my impending orphans Christmas.

It's now Sunday and I'm watching a behind the scenes of Vicar of Dibley.  British people are hilarious and geniuses.  Anyone who can make the story of a vicar in a small village seem funny is phenomenal in my books.  I always love behind the scenes because you learn all the thought and work that goes into a program and it's amazing how the smallest thing will be so planned out.  Apparently the aim of the show initially was to push the Church of England to allow women to be ordained because the creator went to a wedding that a woman performed and he found it to be a lot more personal and well performed than when male ministers did it.  There's your fun fact for the day!

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