Sunday 15 December 2013

Get me to the church on time....

That title makes no sense.  I just couldn't think of anything else with church in it and I have no creativity.  I found a church!  I was a bit unsure at first because it had a screen in it and was a bit empty when I first arrived, but it filled up a bit and the screen was only used to exploit the cuteness of children by making them sing some song they learned, so I accept it.  The church is called Holy Trinity and it's located in Clapham Common, which is pretty cool.  It was a bit of a weird service, not majorly traditional and they do the new Lord's Prayer, but they don't sing it and I can still say the traditional one, so I won't hold that against them.  They offered me coffee, the main minister is a bit awkward, and the sermon was good, so I'm sold.  Plus they have a "younger" service at 6pm on Sundays, which I would normally be totally against because I'm secretly 95, but they go to the pub after, so I'm willing to give it a shot.  I've said "so" a lot in this post already.  Anyway, it was a decent service.  A little long, but I have yet to be at a service that is only an hour.  I think long services are just a way of life here.  As long as they give me coffee afterwards I'm on board.  I also found out that there's a church right across the street from me, so I may try that one day, but I don't know if I'd like going to a church that's so close to me.  There's no reason for this.  The proximity is just a bit weird.  What if the minister catches me stumbling home from the bar one night?  I don't know why the minister would be at the church on a Saturday night, but you never know.  These are the things I worry about when picking a church, which may be why it's taken me so long to find one.

Just to make me seem slightly cooler by now going on and on about church, I also went to a Christmas party last night.  It was at my cousin's house and I was naturally nervous because I didn't know anyone there and I'm socially awkward.  There were only about ten people at the party, which made it even weirder, but eventually I got into a groove and it was okay.  That may have been because I'd had three mugs of mulled wine, but that's really not that much, so my awkwardness should have been worse.  It was nice being in a different part of London and at a bit of a different party.  So far most weekends I've just gone out and gotten drunk or lounged around my house, so it was nice going to a house party.  I did leave with the following awkward send off, "I'll probably never see any of you again, but it was nice meeting you."  I have no idea why I said this.  I'm not good at goodbyes.  I'll put it on my long list of New Year Resolutions.  Tonight I'm going to watch X Factor with my housemates and gear up for my final full week of work before the Christmas break.

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