Friday 27 December 2013

British Style Christmas!!!

Alright, so first Christmas in England basically involved a lot of Skyping and a lot of drinking.  It was surprisingly fun though.  We had a proper dinner.  Entirely cooked by Steve because I can't cook to save my life.  We had turkey, pork, roasted potatoes, vegetables, and dessert, which we actually didn't make it to because we were so stuffed.  We also forgot the stuffing, but we still have it to make for later.  In case you're wondering about that table in the picture it's patio furniture from our backyard.


After that we went to the orphans Christmas, but it was really just a lot of people sitting around in groups of people they knew and it was kind of weird.  So instead we went to Brewers, which is a gay bar.  There was a drag queen in a Santa dress and I got a free Santa hat, so it was obviously a good time.  I admittedly drank way too much though because as it turns out trying to keep on pace with three Aussies is very difficult.  I don't recommend it if you're a lightweight.

To sum up, the only bit about this Christmas that resembled my Christmas back in Canada was going to midnight mass, but this was a good alternative.  It wasn't as sad or lonely as I expected it to be, but maybe that's because I was drunk for the last half of it.  I think mainly it had to do with the fact that I spent it with three other orphans who made it really fun.

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