Tuesday 24 December 2013

It's a Christmas Miracle!!!

Well, yesterday it was super windy and raining, so naturally I got today off.  I woke up today at my normal time and showered and everything and then it dawned on me that I should check the trains.  Turns out they were all cancelled.  So I called my office to tell the one other person who would be working that I couldn't make it in only to be diverted to the other office where they told me that apparently no one made it into my office.  Thank you, Santa!  Now I've been sitting around all day with my housemate watching Veep and catching up on a Christmas Carol, which I'm not reading at a good clip.  I've also downed a pot of coffee because that's what days off are all about.  I wasn't that bothered about going in today since I have a week off, but starting Christmas break early is always amazeballs.  I cleaned my room and the kitchen, so now I feel like I can relax for two months.  Seriously, now that it's winter, despite the balmy weather, I'm basically in my hibernation mode.  And by basically I mean I'm fully immersed in it.  I actually cancelled a dinner with someone last week so I could watch Dance Moms with my housemate.  I faked food poisoning so that I could come home and wrap myself up in a warm blanket and veg in front of the TV.  If that's not the beginning of winter hibernation I don't know what is.  It's just so dark and cold outside and no one around here is teaching me how to be a bitchy and crazy dance mom, so I'm better off indoors.

On that note, I am about to head outside.  I don't especially want to, but there's food involved and apart from church it will be my only time out of the house, so I can't really get out of it.  Besides, I just bought an 18 pack of beer and my housemate and I have already decided that Boxing Day will consist of drinking and movies because going shopping on Boxing Day around here is basically a death wish for me.  I would undoubtedly get trampled by the hoards of people who have lost their decency and have no problem elbowing a scrawny, small chick in the face.  Speaking of which, I was ID'd at our corner store yesterday.  The girl looked at my ID and went "Oh my gosh.  86?"  Obviously my response was, "You got it.  Don't let me fool you.  I'm an old lady."  In her defense, I was wearing a black toque and a hoodie, so I looked a bit shady.  Okay, I'm already late for this lunch.  I'll probably write on here again later because I won't be able to sleep knowing that Santa's coming.

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