Friday 29 November 2013

Happy Weekend!!!

Well, the weekend is finally here!  I'm doing several things this weekend.  I'm going out tonight.  Despite the fact that I frequently talk about alcohol on here I'm sure it'll be a comfort to all to hear that I don't actually drink that much, especially in excess.  I'm going out in Clapham, which is awesome because it means I don't have to pay for a cab and I know how to get home.  A very rare occurrence.  Most importantly, I have to find a new church before Sunday.  I tried another new one last Saturday and it was mind numbingly boring.  I actually almost got up and left.  If that wasn't enough there were only three people in the choir and about ten people (not an exaggeration) in the congregation.  I'm not big on socializing, but this complete lack of parishioners means that my singing can actually be heard because apart from the choir I'm the only one singing.  I'm awkward in the best of situations at church.  In these conditions I'm a hot mess.  I wanted to run away the whole time.  Also, during the sermon the minister kept calling God the "King of the Universe".  The whole time I was just picturing Jafar becoming a genie at the end of Aladdin.  It was very disturbing.  Anyway, the hunt is on.  I want to find one before Christmas.  If all else fails I'm going to becoming a parishioner at St. Paul's Cathedral and sound incredibly important and classy.  After whatever service I choose to go to I might try to watch some football (American and/or British) in a pub with my friend.  I think we're also visiting a toy store.  I may come back with a Furby and Lego.

Oh yeah, I bought a book on grammar and one on writing by Stephen King.  I figure if I'm going to continue with this blog I should probably learn proper grammar because otherwise half of what I'm writing won't make sense.

For those of you who want an update on work, it's going very well.  Everyone's super nice and it's quite chill there.  I now have a jar of peanut butter there so I can snack on it whenever I want and I think I've found my favourite coworker.  She laughs at all my "jokes" about food.  I don't have the heart to tell her that I really do eat candy and McDonald's as much as I say I do.

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