Tuesday 31 December 2013

Farewell 2013!!!

Since it's the last day of the year I figured I'd post something.  I'm not going to get all sappy because I'm a robot and sort of hate that kind of thing.  All things considered I think 2013 was a pretty awesome year.  I got a lot of free food, I finally moved to England, and I got a sweet coffee machine.  Of course with the number 13 in it I always knew it would be a banner year.  13 is an awesome number and it was always going to bring me some luck.  And let's face it, most of what has happened to me so far this year has been pure luck.  There is no way I should have found a job and amazing housemates almost as soon as I got here.  I never have that kind of good fortune and it certainly had nothing to do with me, except for the fact that I was on almost every job and roommate finder website out there, but that doesn't mean you're going to get anything good.  So if nothing else I will consider 2013 an anomaly and be thankful for it.  Towards the end I've been a bit crazy and not really taking care of myself from a physical point of view.  I'm pretty sure all of my organs are set to fail on me, so in 2014 I really am going to aim to be better.  I already have several cans of soup in my cupboard ready for my lunches.  Aside from that I'm trying to keep expectations low for 2014, despite what my resolutions indicate.  Overall I just hope that things continue to go well and I don't give myself diabetes.  If you keep your expectations low chances are at some point you'll be surprised.  That's my motto going into 2014.  On that note, I hope you all had a wonderful year and best of luck in 2014!

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