Thursday 12 December 2013

1,2,3 Train With Me....

Since I have yet to see a single snowflake here I thought I'd share this Buzzfeed article with you.  Vintage Christmas in London.

I have to admit that I'm really looking forward to Christmas here.  I'll miss my family of course, but it will be interesting to see what Christmas will be like as an adult orphan who still has family.  Plus, for the first time ever I have a week off at Christmas.  My brain might get overwhelmed with so much time off, but probably not because I've only been working for a month.

My train was delayed by a solid twenty minutes this morning because the headlights were flickering or something.  While we were stopped at a station I attempted to snap some pics.  This was a pretty big fail since I was in a train and only half a coffee in, but the results are displayed for you below.  I also attempted to get some fog shots, but the train was moving and they just ended up being crazy blurry.  Anyway, it was a beautiful morning and despite having to wake up earlier than usual I was still able to appreciate it.  I know eventually I'll become a jaded train rider, but so far I love it.  It's calming, I get to read the paper and drink my coffee, and if I'm lucky I get to listen in on teenage girls gush about boys and how far they've gone with them.  Living the dream.

Just to add to my train joy I will say that I'm insanely grateful that I take the train and not the tube.  Even though some people at Clapham Junction can be rude and push you out of the way the tube is far more volatile.  I think grown men would be willing to shove me on the tracks to get a spot on the tube.  This may be way stabbings are so high in London.  I bet 80% of them take place in the tube during rush hour.  Male train riders are far more gentlemanly.  And obviously the girls who ride trains are way cooler and prettier than the ones on the tube.

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