Sunday 29 December 2013

2014 Here I Come.....

Well, the new year is almost here, so naturally I'm making some resolutions for myself.  I make this every year fully knowing that I will achieve none of them, but I figure it doesn't hurt to start the year off with some goals.  So, here they are.

1.  Tough Mudder.

My friend mentioned that he's putting together a Tough Mudder team and asked if I wanted to join.  I said yes, but with the warning that I would most likely back down because I'm lazy and lack determination.  However, as of right now I'm keyed up to train for it because it will help me with my two other goals to eat better and exercise more.

2.  Eat better and exercise more.

For lunch today I had Pringles and Lamington, so I think it's safe to say that eating better is almost a necessity.  I think I'm a borderline diabetic at risk of having a heart attack at this point.  As for my's equally as bad.  I'm lucky that I'm still walking to and from work everyday.

3.  Get out of London.

This sounds really bad.  I don't mean it in an "I hate London and can't wait to escape it" kind of way.  I just figure that since I'm here I should take the opportunity to see more of England, especially since it's so easy to get everywhere.  I love London, but I don't want to be one of those people who becomes a London hermit and refuses to ever go anywhere else in the UK.

4.  Learn how to cook.

This is a resolution of mine every year.  It never happens because I don't actually enjoy cooking.  If I win the lottery the first thing I'm doing is hiring a chef.  I'll get them to make me everything in pie form because it's such an amazing and efficient way of eating a bunch of different foods.

5.  Go to see a football and rugby game.

Most weeks I say I'm going to go to a pub and watch either a football or a rugby game and so far I've only done this twice (one match of each sport).  Now that American football is coming to an end I need to make the transition into European sports.

6.  Go to church more.

This may seem like a weird one, but realistically I've been terrible about going to church.  I was going to go today at 6pm and then decided to watch the Dolphins last game instead (they lost to the Jets and it totally wasn't worth watching), so in the new year I'm going to try and be better about this because I think it helps me to be a better person.

7.  Take a class.

Okay, I haven't talked about this with anyone.  It's coming out of nowhere, but I sort of want to take a class in something.  Somewhat to meet new people and somewhat just because I feel like my brain is atrophying and I think learning new things will help to focus my brain.  I've considered language classes, but I'm pretty bad at learning new languages and get discouraged easily, so I might do something else instead.

8.  Volunteer.

Now that I'm making this list I'm realizing how ambitious it is.  I guess the key is to not do it all at once and overwhelm myself.  I'm trying to be a better person because I think these first three months in London have been fairly selfish, so I think I should try to get back on track and volunteer.  It's a big city and I'm sure there are lots of opportunities to do this.

9.  Go to Greece and Russia.

I guess one of my other goals was to get out of London and technically this is out of London, but whatever.  If you're being that technical then you're crazy.  I thought I'd point it out before anyone beat me to it.  Anyway, these are the two places I want to visit most while here.  That and Norway, but apparently Norway is very expensive, so it's not good enough to make it into my goal list.  Only an honourable mention.

10.  Find a boy who's sole purpose in life is to cook for me and pay for the dog I will one day own.

This is more of a dream than a goal.  I'm thinking of putting an ad in the paper.  Someone's bound to go for it.  Maybe I can bribe them with candy and beer.

Okay, that's it.  Ten is a nice round number.  Realistically we're flipping into an even numbered year, so the chances of it being good or productive are slim, but you never know.  Aim high and all that.  I think there's a saying that fits in there, but I'm not good with inspirational quotes.  Basically I'm hoping that if I have ten resolutions I might get lucky and achieve two of them and that's enough for me.

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