Sunday 8 December 2013

Weekend Update: Doing it up Clapham style

Once again laziness has taken over me.  I should really start blogging on the train because I'm on it for about half an hour each way, so it would be a good use of my time.  Instead I read the Metro and then bring up the day's topics to my coworkers so they think I'm smart.  Unfortunately I usually only read about half the article and so I don't have much to contribute.  I can have one good comment and then I'm done because I have no idea what I'm talking about.  My favourite part of the paper is actually the good deeds and love section.  People write things like "To the guy with the hot bod that gets on at Embankment everyday.  I think you're totally gorg and we should go for a drink. - The Girl Wearing a Hideous Jumper."  Do these things ever result in a date?  They're always signed off in the weirdest way and just make you seem like a stalker.  Half the time they'll say something like "We made brief eye contact and I think it's love."  I smile at almost everyone I pass because my awkwardness doesn't know what else to do.  Now I'm nervous this is being misconstrued.  Thankfully no one is going to fall in love with me at my train station because I always look disheveled and under caffeinated in the morning.  The good deeds portion of the section is far less creepy.  It always makes me happy because it shows you that even in a city where grown men push you out of the way to get a spot on the tube there are still good people out there.  It's comforting, especially the ones where kind citizens help drunk people get home.  I suspect one day this may apply to me and I'll have to write into the Metro thanking them.

Anyway, this weekend I planned on staying in and being lazy, but I got dragged out on both Friday and Saturday.  Thankfully both times were within Clapham and therefore required little energy or planning on my part.  Friday I came home from dinner with my friend and my housemate goes "I want to get drunk and dance."  I asked if she meant in the living room, but obviously this wasn't the case.  I guess that was just wishful thinking on my part.  We ended up having a lot of fun and I had an amazing sub before coming home.  The best part was having half of it left over for the next day.  Then on Saturday I was full out asleep on the couch while watching X Factor and a different housemate came home and told me we were going out.  I was in my pajamas, but I figured I'd already been sleeping for two hours so why not.  We ended up going to a pub down the road called Pensbury Arms.  We were expecting it to be a cool local pub, but when we went inside there were about five people and a bunch of laser lights and a DJ.  We got one beer, which oddly enough lasted us until closing time at 11.  We considered ourselves lucky for making it out alive because the place was insanely sketchy.  In the back room there was a chick completely passed out on the table and there was some guy carrying around a mic singing Paradise by Coldplay.  They had karaoke, but this guy seemed to be the only one doing it.  Needless to say, we will be returning just to see if it's always like that.  I figure if nothing else it's a good place to predrink because the drinks were cheap and you consider it a good night when you make it out in one piece.

There's not much else to report.  I've only taken about two photos recently and these are them.

This is a photo of a tree at my local grocery store.  I'm very happy every time I go in because I get to know how many sleeps there are until Christmas.  It's hard to keep track without an Advent Calendar.

This is an extremely blurry photo of Harrods.  I can tell you right now that you should avoid Central London at all costs during the Christmas season.  I was so excited going out earlier in the day because Harrods has Christmas stuff and there are lights everywhere, but by the time I was heading home I was just pure cranky from all the people.  It was insane trying to get anywhere.   

Work is going well.  I'm getting free food on a regular basis and one of my coworkers is my train buddy on the way home.  I also learned something new this week.  Squash is juice.  My coworker kept mentioning how we had a ton of squash and the whole time I was thinking that I hadn't seen any squash in the entire building.  I didn't want to show my ignorance so I just agreed.  Then later in the grocery store I saw juice on the shelves and it was called squash.  Very strange.  This week the head of the company is coming in, which is a bit daunting because he apparently likes people to be very professional and I have a tendency to make awkward and inappropriate jokes when I'm nervous.  Hopefully he just chalks this up to me being a crazy Canadian.  I'll just say the heatwave they're having here is effecting my social skills.

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