Wednesday 8 January 2014

2014 so far....

Alright, so obviously New Year's Eve involved copious amounts of drinking and obviously New Year's Day involved lying on the couch with McDonald's.  Now that that's out of the way, update on my resolutions.  Basically I've only stuck to going to church because so far that just means I went last Sunday.  I went to the 6pm service at my church, which is the "new age" one.  I find singing songs about how God is awesome a bit unsettling and there's too much talk about feelings and emotions and reconnecting with God.  I'm not into it, but I thought it might be a good opportunity to meet new people.  I did go for a drink with everyone, but it was a bit weird.  In true hypocritical fashion I'm not sure how keen I am on church people.  I just find them to be a bit intense.  I told them that I'll go back this week, but I'm not sure I'll follow through.  That being said, I might be sent straight to hell for lying to church people.  Tough call.

Apart from that I've basically done nothing good with this year so far.  I've been quite lazy and eating like crap.  I start everyday with good intentions.  I pack soup everyday for lunch and avoid the candy.  Then I go out and find candy or grab a pizza on my way home.  So, that's not great.  Tomorrow I have soup and salad, so hopefully the extra food of salad will help me stick to eating healthier.  In other good news, my job is suddenly sending me all over the place (aka to all the boring places of England) for training.  I'm going to Wendover (middle of nowhere) for First Aid training on Friday, Reading on Monday, and Bromsgrove at the end of the month.  Bromsgrove will actually be fun because I get to go in a car and spend the night there.  I'm excited to have a couple of days out of London and see some of the countryside.  My new TV obsession here is Geordie Shore.  I know it's so bad and trashy, but I love it anyway.  It's hilarious and they've got the weirdest accents.  I think that's it for an update.  I've been quite boring since the new year began.  I think my body is just detoxing from what I put it through during that week.  It doesn't know what to do anymore.  Oh, right, and I went to the theatre last Saturday.  Just a small play called 39 Steps.  It had a cast of four and was pretty funny.  I went to go to a proper West End show sometime soon though.  Okay, that's officially all of my updates.  On Saturday I'll update all of you on the exciting town of Wendover and what I learned in First Aid training.  Try not to get too excited.  If you can't wait until Saturday you can Google Wendover and get an idea of all the fun I'll be having.

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