Sunday 19 January 2014


Well, this weekend was surprisingly eventful.  On Friday I went to Ice Bar, which is an actual ice bar.  I got to wear a very sexy parka and drank out of glasses made of ice.  I felt like we were all part of some weird ice cult since everyone was walking around slowly with their hoods up.  For all I know we actually were gate crashing a cult gathering.

After that we went to the M&M's shop, which was actually so fun and I'm pretty sure I was the oldest person there.  There's definitely a chance that I'll return there to get an M&M's t-shirt.  They had so much cool stuff.  Thankfully I kept my dignity and didn't get into the photos with all of the M&M's, but I don't doubt it will happen one day.  I just felt weird about pushing kids out of the way so I could beat them to photos with the yellow M&M.

Last night I went to my friend's birthday party and it was a fondue party, so that was obviously awesome.  We went to a bar called 151 which my friend described as an overly expensive basement bar where posh people go to hang out.  His friends are from Chelsea so they're all quite fancy.  Today was glorious.  I spent the day in my sweatpants just watching Reese Witherspoon movies with my housemate.  Overall it was a good weekend.  I wasn't entirely unproductive and I got to see some cool places.

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