Sunday 12 January 2014

The ever so exciting town of Wendover

So on Friday I went to Wendover, which is in Buckinghamshire.  I took a fairly sketchy train and when I got there it was two platforms (one for each way) and a really tiny station.  I was taken through the downtown and to the office, which is on a dirt country road that leads to a dead end.  It was a surprisingly beautiful trek out there and actually nice to be out in some nature.  Plus I got free lunch that included cake, so that alone was worth the trip.  I took some photos, but seeing as I was taking them on the train they weren't the greatest.  

This is the booming downtown of Wendover.  A place that no one seems to have heard of.

And, last but not least, the very exciting platform I stood on going home.

After a day of uncomfortably personal stories I'm officially qualified to perform First Aid.  Of course if I'm ever put into a position where I have to use it I'll most likely be too terrified because the success rate is 2%, so I'd basically have to feel like I've let a person die.

On a more positive note, today I'm being sent out into the middle of nowhere for some software training.  When I Google mapped it it showed a house on a residential street.  I'm slightly convinced that this is a practical joke that I'm taking dead seriously.  If it is the company is willing to spend a lot on my train ticket to make it believable.  I'll keep you posted as to how this turns out.  Or if no post is created in the next 7 days please file a missing person's report.

1 comment:

  1. John will be proud of you taking a picture of a random train station platform. Next time you need the train in the same shot for full marks.
