Wednesday 15 January 2014

It's Time for the Winter Blues

This weekend my housemate told me she thinks I'm going to go through a quarter life crisis soon because I'm too happy.  A very important thing to note about London is that people are very suspicious of happy people.  No matter how good your life is you should be complaining.  Thankfully this week hasn't been my favourite and so I've followed suit with the rest of Londoners and started to complain.  I'm blaming this mainly on my winter blues finally settling in and the fact that all the rain has made me slightly sick.  I also started off the week going to Winnersh.  I'm always excited to check out new places, but I suddenly realized at midnight (day of) that I didn't really know how to get to the office I was meant to visit for training.  I ended up waiting around for an hour because allegedly someone was picking me up, but I'm pretty sure they didn't know that.  It wasn't super annoying, but it's not the best way to start the week.  

That's basically the downtown of....not Winnersh, but some place slightly outside of Winnersh.  It was a gorgeous day out and I had a good sandwich, so in the end it was a decent day.

Yesterday also ended well, but work was a bit hectic and a lady accused me of stealing a letter off her desk.  This is weird and frustrating in itself, but what bothered me more was the poor logic of coming to this conclusion.  This lady came in and asked if I'd stolen some letter off of her desk before she'd even been upstairs meaning she'd noticed it was missing on Monday, so she thought I went in after hours specifically to steal mail off of people's desks.  This makes me wonder if there's a rumour going around my office that I'm a sociopath.  

The good news is that it was Two for Tuesdays, so my housemate and I got a large pizza each.  Thank you Domino's for making my life complete.

Tonight we're going to see American Hustle, so my week is getting better as it goes on, but I'm still looking forward to the weekend so that I can hibernate and embrace my winter blues.

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