Wednesday 22 January 2014


I started my week off by going to Ashurst Forest for some training.  I'll admit that I was grumpy and horrible last week.  I was just not into the week and everything was just getting to me.  I'm amazed no one commented on my lack of enthusiasm since everyone here seems to think I'm the happiest person ever.  Thankfully this week started off better.  I had to catch a train at 7:45am, so that wasn't the best ever, but Ashurst Forest was beautiful.  To get to the office you have to go through a forest that actually looked like a swamp because of all the flooding.  I saw sheep and donkeys and horses and pigs and unicorns, okay that one was before the caffeine kicked in.  May not have been real.  It was a nice break though.

I've also gotten into a routine of watching The Simpsons and Geordie Shore everyday after work, which is basically the best combo ever.  I just spend my evenings laughing and being happy I don't live in Newcastle where people are slutty and overly tanned despite the fact that it rains all the time there.  Today I've just been wasting time on Buzz Feed, which led me to this.........

Needless to say this is my new UK goal.  I want to see every place on here.  I don't care how long it takes or how in debt I get doing it.  It's happening.   

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