Thursday 30 January 2014

How to Go to the Dentist: British Stylez

So about a week, maybe two weeks ago my gums started to hemorrhage blood when I brushed my teeth.  At first I wasn't stressed about it.  I figured that this was overdue since I've been eating loads of candy and never flossing.  Then I got a nasty toothache last Friday and acted as if it was the worst pain life had to offer.  I have a low pain threshold and I don't even pretend to be able to be able to handle pain.  I just whine about it until it goes away.  My poor coworker found this out the hard way.  Although this week she said I barely complained, so maybe I was having an internal conversation with myself.  Anyway, at this point I started to panic, especially since I could feel the swelling in my gums.  So I asked how to book a dentist appointment.  It's a magical experience.  You go on the NHS site and tell them to find locations near you.  Then you get to read up on reviews and pick your dentist based on what the site tells you they offer.  So I picked one and booked online....ONLINE!  Then I got an email reminder and then two days before a text asking me to confirm.  AMAZING!  So today I rock up and I'm like "Yo, I'm here for my appointment."  They handed me an easy form to fill out.  I didn't have to prove that I belong in this country or anything.  Then I saw the dentist.  She took some x-rays and was like "Don't sweat it.  It's just some gingivitis.  Just keep flossing.  Book an appointment with me in six months for a check up and a hygienist appointment in between to get the plaque build up off."  Then I went downstairs, paid my £18, and got out of there.  It was ridiculously easy and required very little human contact, which I loved.  I love my dentist in Canada.  Love him, which actually made me even more nervous for this experience because I thought there was no way they could beat Zietsma and they didn't.  I would pick Zietsma over this lady any day, but making everything happen was a breeze.  I'm usually terrible at this stuff, so if I can do it and find it easy then it is easy for all mankind.  Next time you're in England check it out.  It will be life altering.  Although I will say that I got no free toothbrush and floss.  What's that about?  Maybe when I go for my cleaning they'll spoil me with such luxuries.

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