Tuesday 5 November 2013

Happy Guy Fawkes Day to One and All!!!

Today I had peanut butter toast for breakfast, Thai for lunch, and chicken enchiladas for dinner.  So basically the perfect trifecta of meals.  I'm saying that now because I'm on some weird Mexican kick.  In reality I wish there was some All Lovin' No Oven ice cream sundae thrown in, but there was no room, plus they don't have Cold Stone Creamery here.  Or if they do then the entire city is conspiring to hide it from me.  Anyway, basically what I'm saying is that GFD rules.  I had a lot of great food, I saw some fireworks (no burning effigy!), and.....

Is your mind blown???  I found a peanut butter supplier!  Happy Guy Fawkes Day to me!  As a side note, I can take pictures that aren't blurry.  I just happen to look better in the blurry ones.  I'm not sure what that says about my physical appearance, but I'm not going to over think it.  Anyway, yeah, I have someone who just arrived from Canada and brought me peanut butter and he's going home at Christmas and already said he'd bring me some when he gets back.  Speaking of Christmas.....

Happy Red Cup Day!  They have finally arrived meaning that Christmas is around the corner.  There are no holidays in the way and that means that if I want to be totally out of control I can start listening to the Christmas playlist that never left my iPod.  Also, in case you're wondering I ordered a peppermint hot chocolate to christen the arrival of the red cups.  They don't have peppermint mochas here, which is mildly disappointing.  I'm secretly hoping that they're waiting until December to unveil it, but they already have gingerbread lattes and some kind of toffee one, so it's not looking good.

In case you haven't noticed, the absence of Thanksgiving in the UK has had a weird effect on me.  I'm now throwing all of my love for Thanksgiving into the other holidays and it's making me a little overly keen.  The good news is that my one roommate is equally as insane and is willing to watch Elf with me this weekend.

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